Monday, April 4, 2011

Haven’t I been hurt enough?

Haven’t I been hurt enough? July 2010

V.A. Is Easing Rules to Cover Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

“Those rules were neither fair nor sustainable.”
“Veterans of every generation”
“Veterans who have previously “borne the battle” for our nation.”
“Veterans and wounded warriors with the care and benefits they’ve earned”

Thanks for 43 years of hell in the head.
Kick me a few more times while you are at it.

The Quotes, Articles and New Federal Rule cut my heart out with hope.
This travesty of justice, painful insult, and slap in the face is unconscionable.
Stab me with a spoon and keep on twisting it around just a bit more.

Federal Register fine print.

“Congress has provided that, once a decision on a claim for Veterans Benefits becomes final the claim will not thereafter be reopened or allowed.”
“VA will not apply this or any help to claims that were finally denied before the effective date of the rule.”
In short FU

Catch 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, and now 77.

Catch 11: I enlist in a war that is antidemocratic and in violation of the Geneva Convention. The War is escalated with “Gulf of Tonkin Perjury” and then illegally propagated through several presidential terms of various United States presidents. Multimillion Vietnamese and 60 thousand Americans are slaughtered under false pretences. The perjury includes bombing Cambodia and a multitude of insidious false reports.

Catch 22: Post war no PTSD help is not offered to Vietnam Veterans and we are to blame for what I still do not know. Eventually by about a decade after the end of the Vietnam Conflict more Vietnam Veterans had killed themselves than were killed in action and Veterans made up a majority of the homeless population. PTSD was undeniably acknowledged and minimal efforts to help were made available but not advertised.

Catch 33: Some 30 years post War I finally breakdown and end up in a Veterans Administration Health Care Hospital. I am broken and supporting myself and children with a paper route and earn a below poverty income but every week after PTSD therapy I receive another bill from the Veterans Administration and threats about collection. The Veterans Administration denies responsibility for my PTSD, discriminates against me (Lowest Priority) because I am not service connected and consequently I wait at the back of the line until everyone else is assisted regardless of my pain, trauma, and or broken ribs. So I apply for veterans health benefits and still remain denied.

Catch 44: Meanwhile back in the War I had I earned a “Top Secret Clearance” in the Army Security Agency and consequently I am still to this day denied access to any documentation about my Vietnam Service and related war stressor experiences.

Catch 55: As a result of my Patriotism and excellence I am therefore denied service connection because I have no documentation as to my Vietnam service missions. Not only don’t I exist but no information is available to me about my Company, undercover designated 138thRR.

Catch 66: Eventually I go outside the Veterans Hospital and through brain scans prove my hippocampus is abnormally small and that is a consequence of continued severe stress as discovered and reported by the Veterans Administration but not commonly acknowledged by the VA. I supply the adjudicators with agreement from several prominent doctors and physiologists that my PTSD reactions are a fingerprint of my Vietnam War activity but still my case is not reconsidered. In-fact the very ruling now proclaimed as neither fair nor sustainable was unjustly dismissed.

Catch 77: Now I am denied justice because the case was closed and “Congress has provided that, once a decision on a claim for Veterans Benefits becomes final the claim will not thereafter be reopened or allowed.”
“VA will not apply this new rule to claims that were finally denied before the effective date of the rule.”

“This nation has a solemn obligation to the men and women who have honorably served this country and suffer from the emotional and often devastating hidden wounds of war,” Eric K. Shinseki, the secretary of veterans affairs BoaSting (BS) about his achievement.

“Every American who has ever worn the uniform must know this: your country is going to take care of you when you come home … Our nation’s commitment to our veterans – to you and your families – is a sacred trust.” President Obama
“We’re not going to be satisfied until every veteran who has fought for American has a home in America.” President Obama

Catch 88: The Condemned house the VA has me shackled to now that’s another story altogether.

What your opinion?

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